super simple tuna salad


If you are anything like most of us cooking can oftentimes feel super overwhelming. Not only is it overwhelming trying not to burn everything, but then we pile on wanting to make our meals healthy too and it can rapidly feel like an unattainable feat.

As a Nutritionist and a real human person, it has always been my goal to demystify food and help us all build better relationships with the foods we love and a huge part of that is making cooking healthfully attainable for everyone.


In the interest of keeping life simple and stress-free, I felt like a super simple tuna salad was the way to go. I choose canned tuna because it is incredibly accessible, it is often on sale, you can get good quality, sustainably caught and canned tuna just about anywhere for a good price and it is an excellent source of healthy lean protein.


Tuna is also something I grew up eating and loving. My mom used to make loads and loads of tuna sandwiches for lunches, yes I was that kid with the stinky fish sandwich, but there were 4 of us, it was cheap, it was quick and it kept us full.

So, in the spirit of sharing things I love with you, here is a super simple and delicious tuna fish sandwich. It's simple, it's filling and it's a full meal and best part is no oven is required.


  • 1 can tuna, drained

  • 1 stalk celery or 1 dill pickle chopped

  • 1 tbsp red onion diced

  • 1/2 avocado, mashed

  • 100 g sourdough bread, toasted (typically about 2 slices)

  • 1 tsp Everything Bagel Seasoning


  1. In a small bowl mix everything into a small bowl. If you like your tuna salad with a bit more moisture don't be shy to add a bit of extra avocado in OR 1 tbsp of mayonnaise.

  2. Add in mashed avocado and mix until well combined.

  3. Spread tuna mixture over bread, make it open or closed face.


  • If you don't like avocado feel free to use 2 tbsp of vegan mayo or regular mayo instead.

  • If you want to vegan this up, swap the can of tuna out for a can of drained chickpeas. You'll need to add the extra step of pre-smashing all of the chickpeas before you start mixing everything together.

  • If you don't have sourdough bread or are allergic to gluten feel free to swap out the bread for whatever works for you.

  • Make it a snack by dividing it 3 portions and eating it with some crackers.


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